
This month I read a new book. it is called ' Geronimo Stilton and the Bandit Cats'. If you are wondering Geronimo Stilton is a mouse who works for the rodents gazzete on mouse island. the rodents gazzete is the news paper for mouse island. In this story you would also meet Trap, Thea, and Benjamin. Trap is Geronimo`s cousin, and his faveorite thing to do is basicly is eat and make fun of Geronimo!  And Thea is Geronimos sister, and her faveorite thing to  is motorcycle, and help her brother with the rodents gazzete. And last but not least, there is Benjemin. Benjemin is Geronimos niece. Benjemin is always so cute his uncle Geronimo can never say no to him!  and Benjemins faveorite thing to do is visit his uncle,Geronimo.  In this story  Trap  wanted to go see a mysteious , moving, silver island. Exept it turned out it was a cat pirate ship! The cats locked the mice in thier dungon and got ready to eat them!  Lucky for them  Benjemin had a plan. With Geronimos pocket knife Trap filed the bars, Benjemin kept watch for cats , and to stop them from hearing them filing the bars Geronimo and Thea started singing. In the end Geronimo  , Thea, Trap and Benjemin were back home on mouse island.It is a very good book. I think i`m gonna get another book tommorow!
5/26/2012 02:33:30 am

Excellent writing, Rylee! I really like how you described how they got away from the Cat's pirate ship. I can imagine Geronimo & Thea singing while Trap files the prison bars so they can escape. That's hilarious!
Keep on reading and keep blogging!

5/29/2012 11:34:02 am

Thank you for the comment mom and I was wondering , which character is your favorite?

5/26/2012 02:52:03 am

What an interesting story. I could see you being a writer when you grow up. .

5/29/2012 11:41:22 am

Thanks for the comment lily! And I think that you will have a good job for the rest of your life. And I was wondering, what makes you think that I am going to be a good writer when I grow up?

5/27/2012 11:18:21 am

That seems to be very interesting book!


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    I am a 9 year old daughter,  and I love to  play badminton, and sing, and I also love animals.


    May 2012

